Friday 7 December 2012

Magazine 1 Process

This is my first front cover and the process in which I found my end result. Within the magazine front I have used the following conventions: Pull tag and free offers, large feature text, text around the outside of the picture and also the date and cost of the magazine. The 3 conventional colours I have used are red, black and white. I have decided on the name Sound as the name relates to any genre of music therefore the magazine can be more diverse than I first planned. I think this will attract a wider audience and more people can enjoy the same magazine.

I have used a conventional mid shot photograph as the background as this works well as a front cover. I am happy with the end result of my editing and creating the cover. Within this process I have not put a conventional barcode on the draft or a conventional Issue number. In my next draft I have decided to use a different picture or to adapt this picture, therefore I am not using this draft.
In the first stage I added text on the picture in photoshop using the text tool. to create the a bar along the bottom I used the block shaped colour tool. I also created a coloured edge around the main feature to create attraction I did this again using the text tool. The shape around the pull tag I created on a program called piknik because I found it difficult to create it in photoshop. Then I re-opened it in photoshop and added text on top of the shape. Whilst I created my magazine I printscreened the stage I was at and put together this step by step within Powerpoint.

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