Saturday 1 December 2012

Final Ideas.

These are my final ideas for my magazine, I want to go for a emo/scene look and target this kind of audience. I think this audience is a good audience to target as they already put a lot of money and effort in to following their look and music. Current magazines already show that this is a good magazine so target and that this type of magazine does sell. This genre of music also gives me the oppertunity to experiment with colour as they have bright colours and bold hair styles.
I've decided to do this genre because the look and image is very distinctive, I think I could recreate this look and produce something I am pleased with. I have chosen some example magazines for the text and ideas on layout.

The makeup is very visually distincitve and stands out. I think this works better than the natrual makeup ideas, this is due to the fact it draws the audience in better than the other makeup ideas which may be overlooked. Also a lot of these ideas have sharp edges and points within them, this includes the eye makeup and hair, this creates a bold look.

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