Friday 7 December 2012

Magazine 1

My First Draft
This is my first draft that I have produced. I am reconsidering the image I have used now I have reviewed my ideas. I would like to use a better image that represents music, and visually displays that it is a music magazine. I think I could improve my image by dressing her up and doing makeup differently, I could also use props and things that represent music such as drum sticks or maybe a band t shirt. I think I'm going to use a different model also to create a different look. I'm however happy with my layout of the magazine, and I like how it is positioned on the page. I however have decided now that I am not going to use this as my finial magazine.

I think if I had decided to use this image I would of cut around the image and created a complete white background, instead of having the different tones of the studio behind the text. I needed to have more makeup and I could have photoshopped the image futher to create a look that would be more fitting within the magazine. This is the consideration I am going to make in my next draft with the same image. If I was going to use this image for my final magazine design then I'd have to adapt it to fit the theme and style of the magazine. I think the main issue with this draft is that the genre of music is not expressed enough. However I think my feature names are very broad so that it has a wider target audience.

I also think I need to re-consider my theme of colours and which colours to use. I don't think the pink, black and white theme works well, however it compliments the colours in the photograph. However it doesn't compliment the colours of a music magazine. I think brighter colours such as yellow red or blue would fit better, I don't think it helps that the background is not pure white. I think overall this is a good attempt for my first draft and it got me used to all the tools and uses of photoshop, and the different things you can do to change and adapt things to fit a magazine.

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