Thursday 14 March 2013

Feedback on Front Cover

Feedback on Front Cover

  • The blog has a cool background but the font could be changed to a nicer looking one.
  • The front cover is good but the font is a bit boring for the features and that could be changed. The barcode is a bit big as well and over laps the model. Could also try and work on the model looking less like they've been cut out.

    Lauren Richardson 

    I love your blog! The layout is great! and you've done loads of research and you Ed Sheeran images/video are fantastic!

    Your front cover is pretty good! I like your layout and the colour scheme as well as your imagery.

    I think you could improve by adding a header and footer as well as rearranging the placing of your date line/price and re-sizing it.

    Ellie Broughton

    You have done loads of work and I like your background on your blog. The layout for your front cover is very conventional however I think you need to change the font and colours as it kind of looks boring, but with these little improvements I'm sure it'll look great.

    Becky Marrow

    From looking at your blog I can see that you've done loads of work and tried really hard. The process you went through to get to your final front cover can be see clearly, and I think that your final front cover is really well done.

    Your final draft follows convention and suits the genre of your magazine really well. The image you took is really good, and I like the colour scheme too.

    To improve I would maybe change the colours of some of your cover lines to add more of a variety and make it more eye-catching.


    Acting on Feedback


    To act on the feedback to change my picture and spend more time editing it, to produce a better picture. I am going to change the size of the barcode and maybe look at changing some of the colours. Also I may change the place of my headings and the arrangements.

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