Thursday 14 March 2013

Feedback on Content Page

Feedback On Content Page

I like your contents page and I think the image you have used is really nice. I also liked the fact that you have the QR code in the corner to scan as that's a good feature to have. The only thing bad is that it's a bit too plain and it would look better if a bolder font was used, but other than that it's really good! I do also like the font and colour scheme you have used on the 'Contents' part where you have listed the page numbers. Overall, a good contents page. - Tyla
Becky Marrow

Strengths of your contents page include that it's brightly coloured so will catch peoples' attention, the colour scheme matches and pulls the whole contents page together a lot more, the photograph matches the genre of your magazine and you have included an editor's note which is very conventional.

To improve you could maybe change the size of the qr code, as it seems a little too big for page and add some more contents in your list to fill up more space.


Good contents page, the text is a little bland which does make it obviously a fake one, and could use some more images on it - Danny

I really like your contents page, it sticks to the colour scheme and the layout is really good!

To improve you could maybe use so more original images, 

Well done keep it up!
Lauren Richardson :-)

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