Thursday 21 February 2013

Double Page Spread

Draft 1

Draft 2

Double page spreads 

Draft 1

This is the first draft I have produced for the double page spread part of my task. I am pleased with how the photograph has worked within the page, I experimented with changing the background white and having the writing of the article black. However I felt it worked better with the contrasting dark background against the white font. I have tried to crop the whole of my picture to produce a full background of photograph, rather than a block colour at one side of the page. I decided to do this to create continuity between both pages and I think it just generally has a better appearance when  putting it together. The writing on the left side of the page reflexes the writing on both the content and also the front cover, I think the relation between the band and this font creates a imagery and identity for the band. I think to a possible reader they can clearly see by this what article within the magazine is relevant to the band, and which are not. 

I am pleased with the colors of this draft, I think its quite subtle however I think it looks more professionalism than having a really bold color. I have tried to compromise this by having a lighter font within the article at key words and when the band is mentioned. Things I've decided don't work well within this draft are the page numbers being at the top of the page. I originally did this so that the article could be placed on the page without having to be adjusted to go over the face of the band member. However now on reflection I think this convention is important when putting together a magazine. The audience and reader will look at the bottom corners of the page for the page numbers when flicking through the magazine. Therefore my ideas within the draft regarding this would not realistically work. Therefore when doing my next draft I am considering pacing the page numbers in the conventional place. 

Also on this draft I am not happy with the title on the left hand side page, this is due to conventionally it is placed within the right side of the page. I think on reflection I will change this to somewhere else. I am pleased with the fonts on the page, I like my idea of incorporated the text font used for the band in the article when and where the bands name is mentioned. I've also changed the color of these to make them stand out. Regarding my article however I am considering changing it to a Q and A bullet points, instead of embedded within the text. This is due to the fact that it will be visually easier to the read for the audience. Also as the article stands it is quite confusing and think it needs to be made more basic to appeal to any audience. 

Draft 2

Underneath my first draft is my second draft. Within this draft I changed a few things that I was not pleased with in the first. Including the positioning of the text has changed from the layout across the face. I think this works better as a whole however this doesn't show much continuity across the pages. I think they are too separate and the audiences eye is going to be drawn to only one side of the page. I have tried to make up for this factor by changing the rights side of the pages title to a block color background to balance the pages visually. However I think this creates a more unprofessional look on the page, however I've added it to show the experimental side to my ideas. I think I am again going to change this factor for my final spread. I think also the titles been on the right side of the page, does not conform to conventions, and this makes it look fake and not proffesional. I've also changed the colours to read on this draft, to experiment further, however I've tried to keep these colours again very subtle because I think this look is very appealing. However overall I prefer the blue colour within this, I think it compliments the black and white colour of the photograph better. 

Within my next draft I am going to incorporate the ideas from both the first draft and second draft, and pick out all the things and conventions I like to create a final one. I think within doing this double page spread I've achieved a new skill of learning how to create media documents within publisher. My initial photograph was created and editing within Photoshop, which by the end of this media project on music magazines I have learn't a great deal about. I think these skills will help me in creating my final design. However all the text and fonts and experimenting with layout was done within the publisher program. I think this is helpful as I learnt the skills of how to put text within columns, which is a conventional process of creating a magazine article.

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